
Fee Schedule

A clear and structured breakdown of our fiduciary service fees, ensuring transparency and compliance with legal guidelines.


Our Fee Schedule outlines the cost structure for our fiduciary services, including trust administration, power of attorney services, and probate administration. We believe in transparency, ensuring you understand the applicable rates and provisions that may impact your case. Below, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of our hourly rates, statutory fees, and additional considerations.

Hourly Rate

  • Hourly rate is $185 - $290, unless governed by law or court order.

  • Total fees depend on size, nature, and difficulty of the matter.

Non-Court Supervised Trust Administration

  • Billed at hourly rate for all usual and customary trustee services.

  • Additional trustee fees may be charged at hourly rate for unusual/extraordinary services such as, but not limited to, complex tax issues, complex real property sales, and litigation.

Agent Under Power of Attorney/Agent Healthcare Directive

  • Billed at hourly rate for all usual and customary trustee services.

Probate Administration

Fiduciary fees for serving as a Personal Representative/Administrator are governed by Probate Code §10810 and computed on a fee base comprised of gross assets, plus receipts and gains, less losses, as follows:

  • 4% of the first $100,000

  • 3% of the next $100,000

  • 2% of the next $800,000

  • 1% of the next $9,000,000

  • 0.5% of the next $15,000,000

  • Court discretion after $25,000,000

In addition to statutory fees, extraordinary fees may be requested under Probate Code §10811 for services like tax issues, real property sales, and litigation. These fees are billed at the $185 - $290 hourly rate.

General Fee Provisions

  • All fees are subject to periodic adjustment.

  • Telephone calls, electronic communications, and travel time are billable.

General Fee Provisions

  • All fees are subject to periodic adjustment.

  • Telephone calls, electronic communications, and travel time are billable.

Reimbursements and Third-Party Fees

  • Includes reasonable costs and expenses incurred while carrying out fiduciary responsibilities.

  • Third-party professional fees (e.g., Attorneys, CPAs, Tax Professionals, Realtors) will be passed directly to the client at cost.

This fee schedule is subject to annual revisions and adjustments with a minimum 30 days written notice. Time billed in 1/10 hour increments.

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